Scotland Adventures

From the mundane to the extraordinary and all sorts in between - here you‘ll find out how the Cathcart-Mudd family is faring this European adventure of ours.

Monday 21 December 2009

Let it snow, let it snow

Here's an outing today at a friend's house.

Thursday 17 December 2009

OK, so it's been a while.

I'm just going to blame it all on facebook. I started this whole thing to update the family, and now they're mostly all on facebook, so I've gotten a bit lazy. Alright, REALLY lazy. Anyhow, to make up for some lost time, here are some quality moments over the past 6 months.

As an update on the family... For one, I'm finally done with my contract at work - originally a 2 month one, extended to three, then another year slapped on it. After next Tuesday, I will be a full time (as if before it was only part time!) mother. I've looked around for other jobs, but honestly nothing has popped up that is remotely worth leaving Marius, so I'm just going to stay put for a while and think things through. I'm really leaning towards going back to school to get a PhD. I'm also thinking about starting up a green home/office consulting business with another mom friend.
But in the mean time, I'm going to make a huge effort to teach Marius how to swim and ride his bike. Two things that every little boy ought to know how to do!
Simon is in San Fran like he is every year at this time.... And it's snowing here, like it is every year when he leaves. Simon's work is going well. He's finally gotten some grant money so he can play with more dirt (oh sorry, I mean SOIL!) and pay his grad student to help.
Marius is talking up a storm! Today in the car ride home from nursery, he said "Daddy will be home today." I got the BEST ever response when I told him no, that Daddy was in California to talk to people about his work, and how daddy is really very clever (clever is what people here say for smart - smart, for some reason, means stylish here!). Marius replied "but Daddy is not Mr. Clever!" I had just read him Mr. Clever, from the Little Miss and Mr. book series! Oh lord, I just about needed to pull over and die laughing when we said that. Ohhh, too cute!
I keep trying to get Marius into sitting down and writing in his alphabet and number workbooks. But he'd rather make big scribbles all over them instead of following the instructions I read to him... I'm hoping he's a late bloomer like Simon.

Friday 21 August 2009

Fun with the fam

We had SUCH a good time with Paula, Ian, Robert and Claire. They were here for a grand total of 10 or so days, but we could have had them stay forever.... Paula is a fab cook so the food was great, and the kids really had fun together, so we could just sit around and sip on wine while everyone enjoyed themselves. It was priceless.
Here's just a snippet of the good times.

We didn't do a ton of sightseeing, which was nice. We really just hung out and enjoyed each other's company. Ahhhh, to be able to do this every weekend!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

A boy and a box. What more could you ask for?

Marius had a ball with our hoover box.

Fun times tonight. Simon leaves for a2 week field trip to Cali on Friday... :(

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Happy Birthday Paka

Here's the boy singing - totally unpromped too - Happy Birthday to Paka.

Friday 12 June 2009

Updated bathroom shots

But I need to take the latest photos after our painting and sealing of the slate. The floor looks a lot better and the painting has made a big difference too. I just haven't uploaded those photos yet.

Sunday 31 May 2009

New Bathroom and warmth

Well, here's my monthly blog. I know I know I'm rubbish! I completely blame facebook though. I've gotten so used to the instant gratification of that site, that my blog has severely suffered... Anyhow, enough of my Catholic self-flagellation.
The weather here has been downright glorious that past 4 days. Thursday through to today we've seen NO RAIN, and it's been HOT (not, that is not a typo, it's been 25 degrees C, AKA ~ 77 degrees F) and cloudless! I've actually busted out my very dusty sandals and linen trousers (I say trousers instead of pants, as pants are considered underwear here, so I've completely made the transition in words to avoid total ridicule). Friday, we went to the beach, Saturday we went to the safari park, and today we played outside in a friend's backyard. I actually managed to get my shoulders sunburned!!!! Oh happy days! I thought I would need to get off of this island for that to happen, but apparently not. I'm glad I put 50 SPF (they say factor 50 here) on the boy, but part of me was thinking "he's 25% Mexican, this paltry amount of sun can't hurt him." Little did I know. I'm not going to peel or anything, but I will have lovely brown shoulders in two days.... Oh I wish I wore a more low cut top. Oh well, perhaps when Simon gets back from his weekend in Oxford (Yes, he gave a talk there to those smarty pants people) with his mom and if the weather holds for another week, then I can get on my bathing suit and actually get a decent set of tan lines! I haven't had those in about 3 years.
Well, the bathroom is about 90% finished. All that remains is painting the walls, putting up the shower curtain rod, towel rack, and sealing the stone tiles. We've been lazy and have not done that in a week, but now with Simon finished marking papers and his Oxford talk out of the way, perhaps we can finally finish this darn thing. Here ares some picks so you can see the progression. It only took about 2 weeks in total, but I took daily pictures, so here they all are.

Marius was playing with his friend Lauren (that's what he's saying at the beginning of the video) this weekend, and she was having a ball bathing him is sand. In the end I just put him in the kiddy pool to wash him off. I figured I'd just put him to bed when we got home this evening, but he had a massive poo right before heading out, so I had to change him on the grass, take off all of his clothes, and leave with Marius just in a nappy and sandals (I bought a pair today since it's been so warm. Hopefully we'll have nice enough weather to wear them again in the next month or so). And with poop all up his backside, we needed to bath once again at the flat before bed time. Thankfully the time out in the sun tuckered him out, so getting him to bed at a decent hour was manageable.